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About Me

My Story

I have enjoyed studying and participating in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for the past four years.  It has helped me grow physically in my abilities but even more so in my mental strength.  BJJ forces participants to be in uncomfortable situations where a stranger could choke you out, or snap a limb.  Learning how to relax your mind and body so you can find a way out is extremely powerful.  Having this experience gives BJJ players a strength when facing other obstacles whether it be stress caused by work or a stranger attacking them.  If you can stay calm while a 275 pound man attacks you, you can stay calm in many other situations.  There are both physical and mental health benefits to this martial art.  I have found that I have grown in patience, softened my ego, and can relax when facing taxing scenarios.  The history of how this martial art came about is unique and this website will explore that lineage.



In the photo below I am smiling as I meet Chris Haueter at a class.  He is one of the original 'Dirty Dozen', the first twelve black belts in BJJ outside of Brazil.   

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